Run + Hike = Long Run…right?
According to the ‘schedule’ I should have done a 10-mile run yesterday.
Nike+ had their annual Human Race yesterday, which is a 10K. I was very excited that the Salt Lake City Running Company had an event this year. It’s not timed or anything, because the timing is taken care of by your Nike+, but it’s a chance to get a t-shirt! And it’s a super t-shirt. And it’s a chance to run with other people, which is also great. It was a very fun run, and I did the 10K is 56:20 per their timer! Yay! That’s great because it puts me within range of 2 hours for the half-marathon. It was a great reaffirmation that my training is going well.
I was initially planning on just running another 4 or 5 miles yesterday in the afternoon. But on Friday I found this new hike very close to my house, and got it into my head that I really wanted to do a 10-mile hike today. So the 4 or 5 miles additional of running yesterday didn’t seem as imperative, and I didn’t do them.
Despite a not-as-early-as-planned start, I did set out about 12:45 on my hike. While I had asked multiple times if anyone wanted to join me, I didn’t get any takers. So I went alone. It was so solitary. It was much more solitary than, say, a 10-mile run on roads. While I could see a road most of the time, and hear and see multiple boats almost constantly, it was so not connected to that world. I didn’t see a single other person until about 7.25 miles in, when I passed a group of four hikers who were just out for a walk and who turned around about 10 minutes after they passed me and were about a mile behind me the rest of the way.
It’s a fairly well maintained trail…or, at least, it’s not a rustic trail. I don’t think it’s well traveled, but is well maintained. And I think it might be a great running trail if I ever want to go closer to my house than PC.