A whole year…
So, it’s been a whole year since I wrote about any books. Don’t think that means I haven’t been reading.
I read several Darkover Novels. All good, nothing exceptional.
I read, by MZB, in this order: Firebrand, Fall of Atlantis, Ghostlight, Witchlight, Gravelight, Heartlight. I highly recommend that order. The books are all excellent, and they all start fitting in with each other. I’m very excited for Ancestors of Avalon, which Ethan has waiting for me…
Recently, I reread the Mists of Avalon. It’s such an amazing book every time I read it. This is one book I think everyone I know should read. It’s an entertaining, intellegent, and completely enchanting book.
I recently discovered the author Bernard Cornwell. He has a series of three books about the Arthurian legend- The Winter King, Enemy of God, and Excalibur. I also read a novel of his called Stormchild, which is very good. It’s kind of a mysterious thriller…I guess. Anyway, he’s written a whole bunch of stuff, and I was surprised I had never heard of him before I saw the Arthur series on the book-on-tape shelves in the library…
Right now, I’m rereading The Fifth Sacred Thing, by Starhawk. I had to read it for my senior sociology seminar in college. It is a ecofeminist utopian novel. It has some very strong ideas that appeal to my ecofeminist sense, but I don’t think it would necessarily sway someone who’s not already inclined in that direction. But it is an entertaining work as a fictional story…and has some interesting perspectives on our current culture.
I’m sure I read some other things, but I don’t know what right now…