Amber’s Weblog

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I may be a bit clumsy…


As is my god-given right when tax season ends, I went skiing on April 16. And I fell. Hard. It was one of those slow motion falls during which I heard my helmet hit the ground and thought ‘man, I’m glad I’m wearing a helmet’, then felt my arm get pulled behind me and thought ‘gee, that hurts a lot’, and then finally stopped falling…man did my shoulder hurt when I stopped falling! (Of course I didn’t notice that – I was busy wondering where my other ski was).

After waiting for a sufficient time period that the response wouldn’t be ‘rest, ice, ibuprofen, come back if it doesn’t feel better’ (which I did, and yes, my doctor confirmed for me two weeks was the right time to come in), I went to the doctor today. He did all sorts of motion, strength, pain tests on my shoulder. Took x-rays. I may have a tiny hairline fracture in my shoulder, but he thinks it’s really a torn rotator cuff. He wants me to have an MRI, and so I’m spending the next few days figuring out if I can afford one. Those things are expensive!

I told him the shoulder feels really good when I run, and really good after. He confirmed that with me several times, and didn’t tell me to stop running. So I’m going to keep running. Thank goodness he didn’t tell me to stop running…

posted under running
2 Comments to

“I may be a bit clumsy…”

  1. On May 4th, 2010 at 11:27 am Liz Says:

    Um, ouch! I’m glad that you are able to still run though! This is the exact reason I don’t ski!

  2. On May 4th, 2010 at 3:53 pm amber Says:

    I know lots of people feel that way about skiing. I can understand – it can be scary throwing yourself down a hill on two boards. But then, it’s not. I’ve been skiing almost as long as I’ve been walking. It takes special conditions and a special fall for something like this to happen. And these were seriously special conditions that neither I nor the guy I was skiing with were aware existed – we both learned something that day. We’ll be prepared next time!
    But yes, I’m overly glad that my shoulder feels good when I run and that the doctor didn’t tell me to stop.

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