Amber’s Weblog

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Lunchtime running habit


I went for a lunchtime run on Friday. It was so much fun! A quick 5 miles on my favorite loop from the office. I often come in to run it on weekends, but very rarely have done it any other time. I wasn’t expecting any clients in the afternoon, so I didn’t feel bad getting moderately sweaty (or the slobber kisses I got from a rottweiler who would have happily run with me instead of his owner). Got back to the office, stretched, ate lunch…I have to find a way to make this a habit, at least weekly if not more often. But given that nothing happens Friday afternoons anyway, maybe I should stick to Friday lunches.

Had our Ragnar Wasatch Back team meeting last night and decided on legs. I’m doing *the* Ragnar leg this year! We’ll see how the Piriformis takes it. I’m going to prepare by running a couple of major hills in the next couple of weeks. My total mileage is just about what I’ve been doing, so I don’t have to worry about that.

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