The Instant, Camelbak, Faster than a Bunny, Negative Splits…
During my run Saturday evening I had so much going through my head that I couldn’t decide what I was going to title this post, so this is actually a combination of all of the possibilities.
Faster than a bunny: I was running on the rail trail, and startled a bunny out of his hiding space, and we ran together for 30 seconds or so. And I wasn’t faster…little bunny definitely won this race
Camelbak: It was hot, and I was going to need some sort of hydration on this run, so I decided it was a good opportunity to try the Camelbak shirt I picked up on for $20 a couple of months ago. Despite the uncomfortableness in driving in it, I got used to the feeling while running within half a mile. There was no noise or sloshing, which was good. All-in-all, I was pretty nice. I will wear again.
Instant Negative Splits: Guaranteed way to get negative splits – run uphill, into the wind, mostly in the sun, then turn around. Run downhill with the wind at your back, mostly in the shade. Trust me – the second half of your run will be faster