Amber’s Weblog

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The flood


I’m not going to do my planned run tonight. My planned run is a 6 mile tempo. I think I might do four easy miles and do the tempo tomorrow night.

This is why

The house on the left is mine. While the flood waters went down very quickly after this, we spent all day sandbagging and loading them on trucks to be taken to our house and many, many others. We don’t have any damage (we hope) in our house. Not for sure yet, as we’re just leaving the furnace off until we’re sure to have no more flooding.

Those kids on the right side of the picture? That’s a small part of the local high school football team. The whole team was out sandbagging, helping people out of their houses, and doing whatever needed to be done all day, basically. Which means I can no longer complain about them taking up the entire weight room at 7AM.

But filling sandbags is hard work. The muscles in my legs and back are all very sore, my hands are raw, and my knuckles are swollen and painful. Plus I got a major sunburn. I didn’t sleep well last night as I was still worried that we might wake up to two feet of water again, so this afternoon I’m quite exhausted. I just don’t think the tempo run is a good idea, nor is it likely to go the way I want it to.

We’re not sure if the river is coming back up again. It was supposed to be very hot today creating even heavier runoff, and it’s supposed to rain tonight. But it kind of sounds like we might be okay as long as all the canals and overflows stay unclogged.

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