Amber’s Weblog

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My first ever 100 miles in a month


I haven’t stopped smiling since I finished this evening. A 5 mile run, and I ended the month of June at 101.7 miles.

My first ever 100 mile month.

I really didn’t know it was going to happen. I knew based on my schedule it could be close if everything went right.

Well it didn’t. I missed out on some miles and training at the beginning of the month because of the flood. I’ve never been as sore as I was after sandbagging.

After that, however, my training, the Ragnar, and everything since have gone pretty well; pretty much as well as I could have planned. As of Sunday, I knew I had to do a 4 mile and a 5 mile run by this evening to make it happen. So I did, even though Chris’ parents are in town right now and I kind of had to delay our evening with them to make it happen tonight.

I’m still a little shocked. I have this feeling that no matter what happens from here on in my life, I can say that I ran 100 miles in a month. Man, do I feel like a runner tonight!

posted under General
One Comment to

“My first ever 100 miles in a month”

  1. On July 1st, 2010 at 7:57 am Liz Says:

    Wow! Just wow! This is almost impossible for me to fathom. Congrats!

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