Amber’s Weblog

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Pay no attention to the crazy runner lady


I ran one of my favorite routes last night – a 5 mile loop from my office. I was lucky enough to not get hailed on, as the weather had been doing on and off all day. I met a very nice dog named Dexter who was taking his two boys for a walk. It really was a great run that I got to do because I had a late evening meeting at my office.

About 4 miles in, I caught myself doing something I know I do fairly often. I was having a conversation… with myself… or, with the imaginary person who I was having a conversation with. I just like to plan out how I’m going to approach things during my runs, and my mind wanders, and I imagine conversations. Except then I realize I’m actually moving my mouth and often my hands, and making other physical movements indicative of having a conversation. No sounds are coming out… but how is someone driving by on the street going to know that?

So if you see me running down the street looking like I’m talking to someone, just know there’s a great conversation taking place in my head.

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