Amber’s Weblog

Movies, books, knitting & crocheting, running, and more…

1 year at a time…


So, I started this at the beginning of the year, and for some reason, didn’t post it.

Plans for the year:
Run a marathon
Finish school
Finish all my unfinished crocheting and knitting projects
Redo my entire yard and fence
Finish painting the inside of my house

Other goals:
Lose weight and get in shape
Cook at home more; eat out less
Reduce credit card debt (a house will eat your credit card soul!)
Watch TV less; read more
Keep my office cleaner :)

I would also like to feel stable enough (and have a good enough yard) to get a dog.

There you go.

What has been done since then?

I have not signed up for a marathon. Yet. I have signed up to do the Wasatch Back Relay, which is a 178 mile race run by 12 runners in 3 legs each.

I bought a CNG bi-fuel truck. I wanted a truck; this one has cheap and clean fuel.

I have finished a couple unfinished crocheting and knitting projects.

Cooking at home/eating out less has definitely been done. It’s hard during tax season, but has been successful anyway.

I have at least attempted to register for my last two classes; this will be attempted again on Monday.

posted under General, house

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