Amber’s Weblog

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Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton


Okay, so we’ve all read it. Right? Right? I read this book at least 4 times in the first 2 years after it was published. I was even assigned to read it for 7th grade science. Obviously, there was a reason I read it 4 times. It’s a good book! And reading it just now, I had an even greater appreciation of the book with increased vocabulary from high school and college. After 8 years of watching the movie, I was shocked into remembering the book is so philosophical. Besides the basic plot, the constant barrage of technological and scientific history, and the somewhat comical description of chaos theory, make it a fun read. Just think of it! Freaks, geeks, and dinosaurs! (Okay, really, all of the characters are lovable- even the non-geeks.) Even if you hated the movie, I highly recommend reading the book. Just like most of Michael Crichton’s work, the movies are to the books as imitation crab is to fresh lobster.

“Yes,” Malcolm said. “Look here. The basic event that has occurred in Jurassic Park is that the scientists and technicians have tried to make a new, complete biological world. And the scientists in the control room expect to see a natural world. As in the graph they just showed us. Even though a moment’s thought reveals that nice, normal distribution is terribly worrisome on this island.”
“It is?”
“Yes. Based on what Dr. Wu told us earlier, one should never see a population graph like that.”
“Why not?” Gennaro said.
“Because that is a graph for a normal biological population. Which is precisely what Jurassic Park is not. Jurassic Park is not the real world. It is intended to be a controlled world that only imitates the natural world…Nature manipulated to be more natural than the real thing, if you will.”

posted under Books
2 Comments to

“Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton”

  1. On June 27th, 2003 at 8:45 pm Hans Says:

    Jurrasic Park rules!

  2. On August 13th, 2003 at 7:14 pm Dad Says:

    I read the book once, and saw the movie once (as I recall, you INSISTED I sit and watch it). I think Michael Crichton has written some very good books, having read at least two others; my own limited experience on books vs. movies is that the book always wins. While movie 1 of Tolkein was captivating, I still think the book was better. (Speaking of which, will I get them back someday?)

    By the way, I especially enjoyed your comparison between imitation crab and lobster.

    Keep it up. This is good stuff. I am going to pass this on to Park City’s favorite (and now only sometime, and definitely ONLY) movie reviewer, Rick Brough, for his comments.