Amber’s Weblog

Movies, books, knitting & crocheting, running, and more…

Interim post…


I  have finished Tyrannosaur Canyon. However, I am mentally digesting before reviewing.

In the mean time…

Okay, 5 weeks out to the Las Vegas Marathon. I’m back on schedule for training (I did 18+ miles yesterday) after missing two long runs because of a very busy October 15 (extended personal tax returns due) and a very disappointing long run last weekend. This weekend I discovered I have a friend in electrolyte drinks:)

However, I’m getting totally nervous. I want to finish in under 5 hours. If I finish in over 5 hours, I don’t really care – I just want to finish. But I’m just starting to get paranoid about hydration, carrying my own water (since I don’t like gatorade), getting tired, etc…

I just have to re-convince myself that all I have to do is finish, right?

Still nervous.

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What’s wrong with Hollywood?


Saw The Dark Knight last night finally. Wow. Heath Ledger really was as good as everyone said he was.

Of course, in this, saw the preview for the next Terminator movie. Having just Netflixed the first three, I was…horrified that they’re making another.

After The Dark Knight, Chris and I discussed the equally horrifying news that Cher is in talks to play Catwoman…( Seriously. No. There are so many other women out there who….are hot. And who could play Catwoman. Most importantly, Summer Glau. Now that’s a movie I’d see without delay.

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Plans for the year:
Run a marathon  – training started; debating on Las Vegas vs Tucson Marathon – they are on the same day
Finish school
Finish all my unfinished crocheting and knitting projects  – some has been done; more has not
Redo my entire yard and fence  – started; menacing trees are gone, and I’ve done some planting. I just don’t have money to do the fence, though. That’s the biggest problem with this one.
Finish painting the inside of my house – oh dear…this one looms over me.

Other goals:
Lose weight and get in shape
Cook at home more; eat out less

Watch TV less; read more – this should come with the being done with school. In fact, I’ve read a book and started another since finishing school less than a week ago!
Keep my office cleaner :)

I would also like to feel stable enough (and have a good enough yard) to get a dog. – This will wait, pending a fence. There are external factors (i.e., a friend may come to live with us next year, and she has a dog) which could postpone this for a few years.

Thoughts? I’ve certainly finished a few things, and a few things will be much easier to finish now that the big item (finish school) is completed.

New toys


So,I have a new toy. This is my first post from my iPhone. And it is good.

Tomorrow I leave for a vacation. While there are many plans and goals for said vacation, I am most excited to be able to stop whatever I’m doing whenever I want and go for a run.

And after a very busy day and a disappointing packing night (a rarity for me), I am going to bed with the intention of getting up and going to the gym before we must leave for the airport.

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What’s the snizzle?


Hmm. Should I do a small update?

School started Monday. Chris and I must keep reminding ourselves that there are only two classes. That’s right. We’ll be done by the end of August. Free. Freedom. I must contain my excitement, or I’ll burst. This first class is a marketing class – meaning, painfully vomit-inducing with marketing and business buzz-words. At least the last class is an accounting class – and one for which I probably am well-prepared.

My 10-year high school reunion has been planned for August. Chris’ has been planned for the same weekend, but he seems to have no interest in going back for it. That’s okay. He can come to mine.

I did the Salt Lake City half-marathon a few weeks ago. I hadn’t trained, so I ran about half, walked about half. It was very exciting to do another one, though. I have been running pretty well since then. And it’s finally (just now) stopped snowing and started getting warm, so I’ll be able to run outside on the weekends.

I’ve packed the next half year with races. I’m kind of turning into a junkie – I don’t know whether I have to cure myself of this because races cost money, or if I should embrace it because signing up for races will ensure I train for them. But, here’s a basic outline of my plan:

Late May – 5K

mid-June – Wasatch Back Relay

July 4 – Annual 4th of July Run

July 19 – half-marathon

July 26 – 10K? Maybe. It’s called the “Toughest 10K”, which, for some reason, is appealing to me.

August 23 – half-marathon

Oct 5 – Portland marathon (for which, supposedly, my mom and sister are going to train to walk).

I’m pretty excited about this. Most of the races (except the Portland) are close (within 4 hours).

In a continuing quest to be healthy and in-shape, I’ve started a food log. Is it going to help? Who knows. Will I forget about it in a few days? Probably.

Ah yes. The house. The house will (hopefully) get power washed this weekend. I’m working (it’s turned into a long project) on painting the hallway. We have also gotten closer to figuring out the front porch railing.

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